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Kişisel verilerin işlenmesine izin veriyorum ve kullanıcı sözleşmesini ve gizlilik politikasını kabul ediyorum.
Sorularınızı yanıtlamak için sabırsızlanıyoruz!
Kişisel verilerin işlenmesine izin veriyorum ve kullanıcı sözleşmesini ve gizlilik politikasını kabul ediyorum.
İŞKUR Consulting enables you to use İŞKUR more effectively within the company. At this point, together with our expert team, we analyze the services you offer within the scope of your company and report these analyzes. By determining your expectations and goals during the recruitment process, we support you to communicate with the personnel most suitable for these expectations.
Within the scope of our professional service understanding, we adopt planned and systematic work at every stage of the process. We enable you to register with İŞKUR and create job postings specific to the company. Thanks to the services we offer you, you can continue your work effectively by saving both time and cost.
Within the scope of the İŞKUR Consultancy service, which has different components, we report the applications to the job postings we have created to your expectations and present them to you. In this way, we bring together candidates who can offer services according to the company’s goals and ensure that you continue your work on a professional basis.
We aim to meet the expectations of your company at every stage of the service we provide to you with our expert team. In this context, we closely follow technological developments and offer you innovative services. Thanks to our İŞKUR Consultancy service, you can meet with candidates who are suitable for your company’s mission and vision; You can work with personnel who meet the expectations of the company.
İŞKUR Consulting, which is one of the most important services for your company, enables you to use İŞKUR systematically. What steps you need to take in the purchases you make through İŞKUR are determined within the scope of the service offered to you. At this point, you can get the chance to meet with the most suitable candidates for your company by posting the right advertisements in İŞKUR. This will save you both cost and time.
Benefiting from the İŞKUR Consultancy service ensures that your company is positively affected both financially and morally. Opening the right advertisements for your company’s personnel recruitment will enable you to meet with the most suitable candidates for the position. For this reason, you can save costs in personnel recruitment by getting professional support in the advertisements you will open on İŞKUR.
With our expert team, we ensure that you can use İŞKUR correctly and effectively for your company. At this point, we use up-to-date data and provide the best service by being aware of the developments. By requesting the service we offer you, you can adopt institutionalism in personnel recruitment to your company, and you can perform personnel recruitment effortlessly.
The dynamics and needs of each company differ from the others. For this reason, we determine the pricing of our İŞKUR Consultancy support specifically to the company.