Ücretsiz Bilgi Edinin!
Sorularınızı yanıtlamak için sabırsızlanıyoruz!
Kişisel verilerin işlenmesine izin veriyorum ve kullanıcı sözleşmesini ve gizlilik politikasını kabul ediyorum.
Sorularınızı yanıtlamak için sabırsızlanıyoruz!
Kişisel verilerin işlenmesine izin veriyorum ve kullanıcı sözleşmesini ve gizlilik politikasını kabul ediyorum.
It is necessary to audit on behalf of the state whether the tax, declaration, and financial records of the enterprises are kept effectively and efficiently. These records are checked and arrangements are made with the sworn financial consultancy service; The company is protected against various sanctions and risks.
Sworn consultancy service ensures that financial statements are kept to legal regulations. In this way, erroneous tax practices are minimized and risk-based situations are eliminated. Thus, the audit carried out by the relevant institutions ensures that you are prepared and protects your company against various sanctions.
We are a guiding guide at every stage of financial books and documents that businesses have to prepare by legal regulations. In addition, we understand the needs of businesses and provide up-to-date and comprehensive information on all laws and obligations that affect them. We carry out all our work meticulously by legal regulations.
The dynamics and needs of each company are different. For this reason, we determine the pricing of our consultancy support specifically to the company.